This post actually came about whilst reading this post from the Creative Boom website. It has lots of tips and tricks to help you get writing effective blog posts to drive more readers to your site. One element I found to be missing was the fact that businesses and individuals seem to not realise that SEO plays an important part in the whole process too – you need to capitalise on each blogging opportunity you have and not only drive more readers but boost your website SEO.
It happens everyday – great websites and blogs that write brilliant pieces of content for their sites and inlcude a link to another company/business somewhere in the text because they love the product or what that person has to say.
When you place a link to another blog or business in your carefully written and well crafted blog post, unless links from your site use “nofollow” you are inadvertently boosting that businesses SEO success. Nothing wrong with that of course! Unless your site doesn’t have the rankings it deserves in the first place.
So what can you do?
- Make sure your static pages (i.e Home, Services, Product Pages etc) rank in their own right for specific kewyords
- Include keywords and phrases in the title of your blog posts/news articles
- Make sure you use internal linking using keywords and phrases in your blog posts AND your static pages back to other pages and posts on your site.
- Share your blog post with your Twitter followers, Facebook friends and fans (and hopefully they will share it too!)
- Write eye catching headlines with great content that people feel they HAVE to link to to share it with their followers too.
If it’s too much to take in all at once start with little steps, try a blog post or two and look at the internal linking and static page SEO as a learning curve. Spending 20 minutes everyday will make a huge difference to your rankings!
If you need help or more advice pop over and take a look at my SEO Packages – or for beginners and bloggers Elements of SEO is the ideal started package for only £30 a month!
Oh and please leave a comment – spread the word about your latest blog post to IMVA readers using commentluv 😉